

Indian Prime Minister Modi and COP 28 President-elect and Abu Dhabi National Oil Company CEO Al Jaber sit in front of their state flags and chat.
Foto: Flickr/MEAphotogallery/CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Deed

India as an Emerging Player in the Middle East: Developments, Challenges, and Possible Courses of Action

India is becoming increasingly self-confident - including in the Middle East. What opportunities and limits does this create for cooperation with Europe? Stefan Lukas and Leo Wigger discuss development lines, challenges and options for action in this Working Paper. Photo: Flickr/MEAphotogallery/CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Deed


Vor einem wolkenverhangenen Himmel ragt eine Flagge der EU empor.
Unsplash/ Sara Kurfeß

Europe’s Emergency – Now!

German, British experts discuss European security after Brexit

During a joint event organised by the British Embassy and the Federal Academy for Security Policy, high-ranking British and German representatives from government, military, business and science examined possible consequences and prospects of Brexit for security and defence.

Russia‘s Hybrid Warfare: a Success in Propaganda


Foto: Flickr/Times Asi/CC BY 2.0

The INF Treaty as a Cornerstone of Nuclear Arms Control – Doomed to Fail?


Außenminister Maas spricht vor einer Menschenmenge.
Foto: BAKS/Dähnrich

German Forum on Security Policy: #europeunited – Even Amidst Turbulence

Cyber attacks, Brexit and doubts about the transatlantic partnership: Europe is faced with a myriad of security policy challenges. The German Forum on Security Policy 2018 was an occasion for high-ranking representatives from politics, government agencies and society to discuss the prospects of closer cooperation within the EU. At the beginning of the forum, German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas demanded: “We finally have to make Europe fit for foreign policy!”


Uniformierte Soldaten mit Helmen und Sonnenbrillen stehen zwischen zwei hellblauen Barackengebäuden und blicken auf ein dahinter aufragendes großes Gebäude.
Foto: U.S. Army/Johnson

Trump, Kim and the Nuclear Button: Discussing Deterrence in Seoul

Given the changes in US policy, both East Asia and Europe face a common question: How credible is America's nuclear security assurance? Against this background the Korean Research Institute for Security Affairs, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, and the Federal Academy for Security Policy invited nuclear policy experts for a discussion in Seoul.


Foto: RonPorter/Pixabay/CC0

Brexit negotiations in the field of defence: Lessons learnt and moving forward


Frank Trevino/Department of Defense/National Archives

The INF Treaty: Europe needs to act


European Values Think Tank

The Prague Manual: How to counter the Kremlin’s influence in Europe


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