India is becoming increasingly self-confident - including in the Middle East. What opportunities and limits does this create for cooperation with Europe? Stefan Lukas and Leo Wigger discuss development lines, challenges and options for action in this Working Paper. Photo: Flickr/MEAphotogallery/CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Deed
Working Paper
India as an Emerging Player in the Middle East: Developments, Challenges, and Possible Courses of Action
The Berlin Process for the Western Balkans: Four Recommendations to Achieve Progress
The Berlin process is intended to promote cooperation between the Western Balkan countries and advance the entire region. In our Working Paper, Branimir Jovanovic and Mario Holzner argue that despite some achievements, the process had not been that successful overall. The authors give four recommendations for improvements to the process. Picture: Bundesregierung/Carstensen
More realism and more imaginations: Thoughts on Germany’s future China policy
The federal government is working on a China Strategy for Germany. In our working paper, Peter Hefele argues for a better coordination of national expertise on China and for strategic thinking that also considers alternative scenarios. Picture: dove lee/Flickr/CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
Germany and NATO’s Nuclear Deterrent
The replacement of Germany's Tornado fighter-bomber is inevitably linked with a more fundamental question: Will Germany purchase a nuclear-certified successor aircraft and continue its contribution to NATO's nuclear deterrencet? In our latest Working Paper, Dr. Brad Roberts discusses the consequences of a German opt-out of nuclear sharing from a US perspective. Picture: Bundeswehr