Core Course on Security Policy

The Core Course on Security Policy is the most multifaceted advanced training course on security policy provided in Germany on behalf of the Federal Government. The Core Course teaches a broad and comprehensive approach to security, hones participants’ knowledge about global issues and promotes a cross-governmental understanding of security at the strategic level. The course prepares younger senior officials for national and international assignments as key decision-makers.

The target audience are younger senior officials from the German federal and state ministries, from business, academia and politics, and from civil-society groups such as churches, trade unions, NGOs and the media. Up to 20 participants per course are provided with in-depth knowledge about networked security actors and processes. The participants go on several international study tours including destinations in Brussels and in the US.

Participation is possible only after nomination by the employer.
The invitation for course nominations are issued by the Federal Academy for Security Policy once a year.

For any questions, please contact the Course Director, Dr. Gerd Föhrenbach, for the Core Course:
Phone: +49 (0)30 400 46-417, e-mail:

For further information about the Core Course 2024 please see our current flyer (↗PDF document).