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Beiderseits eines Grenztores sind verschieden gekleidete Soldaten aufmarschiert und halten ein Zeremoniell ab. Die Szenerie wird durch hunderte Zuschauer auf einer Tribüne verfolgt.
Foto: Guilhem Vellut/Flickr/CC BY 2.0
After a memorable border crossing, the Course for Senior Officials continued to the second part of its study tour in the capital New Delhi and the economic powerhouse Bangalore.


Zwei Herren in Anzügen stehen vor zwei Roll-Ups und schütteln sich die Hände.
Foto: GCMC/Winkler
Together with the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies, the Federal Academy started the new year with an expert conference on transatlantic relations. Picture: GCMC/Winkler


Das Bild zeigt ein Kunstwerk aus Pakistan, welches in sehr vielen bunten Farben schemenhaft Menschen und die Flagge Pakistans abbildet.
Foto: BAKS/Wagner
The visit to Islamabad comprises talks with high-ranking government officals, representatives from the international community and the business sector.


Ein Lufthansa-Jet landet auf einer Landebahn. Im Vordergrund sieht man die Landehilfe.
Foto: Günter Wicker/Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH
On the spot: The Course for Senior officials is heading for Pakistan and India. The study tour offers first-hand impressions and high-level talks with both national experts and representatives from the international community in Islamabad and New Delhi.
NATO not only consists of 29 member nations but also maintains partnerships with 41 other states. How can these relations be adapted to the changed security environment? From 31 January to 2 February 2018, the Federal Academy hosted NATO's ACT Partnership 360 Symposium to provide both members and external partners broad space for discussion.


Mehrere Personen in Anzügen und Uniform stehen beieinander und unterhalten sich.
Foto: BAKS/Felten
On 17 January, young executive personnel from the Foreign Office, Ministry of Defence, and Development met for the annual “Get-Together” at the Federal Academy for Security Policy.


Eine Gruppe von Menschen steht auf dem Dach der US-Botschaft in Berlin; im Hintergrund ist der Deutsche Bundestag sowie davor die Quadriga auf dem Brandenburger Tor sichtbar.
Foto: Embassy of the United States, Berlin
The discussion at the US Embassy in Berlin focused on the transatlantic relations under the new US administration as well as the significance of NATO. Picture: Embassy of the United States, Berlin


Das Foto zeigt von einer erhöhten Position aus den Plenarsaal des Deutschen Bundestages im Jahr 2011 mit vollbesetzten Abgeorndeten Reihen und Zuschauerängen.
Foto: Deutscher Bundestag/Marc-Steffen Unger
How does parliament shape security policy? The participants of the Core Seminar took a glance at the daily business of parliament in discussions with members of the German Bundestag. Picture: Deutscher Bundestag/Marc-Steffen Unger
The 2017 Core Course on Security Policy started with a discussion with Wolfgang Ischinger, the Chairman of the Munich Security Conference, about current transatlantic relations, the European Union and cyber security.
In early March, the Federal Academy for Security Policy hosted a discussion event with General (ret.) David Petraeus in cooperation with the German Marshall Fund of the United States and Microsoft Berlin. Petraeus shared his views on the future of the liberal world order and US security policy under the Trump administration. Picture: German Marshall Fund of the United States